Fork 0
2019-10-06 20:29:42 +02:00
20190707001840-create-tag.js must not be unique 2019-07-09 02:04:14 +02:00
20190708171608-create-autoresponse.js switch to mysql 2019-07-08 22:10:14 +02:00
20190708171617-create-autoresponse-stat.js switch to mysql 2019-07-08 22:10:14 +02:00
20190728145741-create-guess-leaderboard.js Add leaderboard 2019-07-28 23:55:59 +02:00
20190821164402-create-banned-words.js banning word system 2019-08-21 19:58:51 +02:00
20191006180114-create-twitter-blacklist.js put the blacklist in mysql 2019-10-06 20:29:42 +02:00
20191006181945-create-guild-blacklist.js put the blacklist in mysql 2019-10-06 20:29:42 +02:00
20191006181953-create-user-blacklist.js put the blacklist in mysql 2019-10-06 20:29:42 +02:00