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# Haha Yes
A multi function discord bot.
## Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine
### Prerequisites
You need to install the following
* https://github.com/Automattic/node-canvas
* sequelize-cli (``npm install -g sequelize-cli``)
* mysql
* ffmpeg (Optional but recommanded: for all command that require to interact with voice chat and [vid2gif.js](commands/utility/vid2gif.js) and [vidshittifier.js](commands/fun/vidshittifier.js))
* handbrake-cli (Optional but recommanded: for [download.js](commands/utility/download.js))
* apngasm (Optional: for [nolight.js](commands/images/nolight.js))
* [Google credentials](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started) (Optional: for [tts.js](commands/fun/tts/tts.js) and [ttsvc.js](commands/fun/tts/ttsvc.js), without that it will spam error on startup but not important)
* Wine (Optional: required for linux/mac for [dectalk.js](commands/fun/tts/dectalk.js) and [dectalkvc.js](commands/fun/tts/dectalkvc.js))
* xvfb (Optional: for wine if using headless server)
### Installing
git clone https://gitlab.com/loicbersier/discordbot
cd discordbot
npm install
sequelize db:migrate
If the youtube-dl module didn't install youtube-dl by himself you can go in ``node_modules/youtube-dl/scripts`` and run ``node download.js``
Configure config.json and config/config.json
To run the bot either use pm2
npm install -g pm2
pm2 start index.js --name(insert name)
or node
node index.js
If on linux you can also do
nohup node index.js &
To use dectalk on linux you will need
1. Get dectalk
2. install wine
3. install Xvfb & run `Xvfb :0 -screen 0 1024x768x16 &`
You can now use the python script [buildConfig.py](https://gitlab.com/LoicBersier/DiscordBot/blob/master/buildConfig.py) to build a config.json ( Might be outdated )
## Built With
* [Discord.JS](https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js) - The discord api used
* [Discord-Akairo](https://github.com/1Computer1/discord-akairo) - The framework used for Discord.JS
## Authors
* **Loïc Bersier**
## Donation link
## License
This project is licensed under the **GNU Affero General Public License v3.0** License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details
## Acknowledgments
* [discord.JS team](https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js)
* [1computer1](https://github.com/1Computer1/) for discord-akairo & the help command from [hoshi](https://github.com/1Computer1/hoshi)
* [Rantionary](https://github.com/RantLang/Rantionary) for there dictionnary.
* Tina the Cyclops girl#0064 for inspiring me for making this bot